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Painting Update

IndistinctChattr Monday, December 1, 2014
In an awesome bit of "are you kidding me?", my local Warmachine group will be playing the Exigence pre-release over the course of the next two weeks on Tuesday's. That means I probably won't be playing much Khador (gah!).

I'll have to try to set up some games outside of our normal gaming night. I've been really into Harkevich lately and want to try out his tier. As such, I purchased a Winter Guard Field Gun Crew and thought I'd share a pic:

From Casual Khador Slideshow

I had a blast painting the crew up. I know they're not the best unit, but I have a severe case of the Collector in me that wants to own every Khador piece. I'm also not a fan of purchasing multiple copies of a unit (so no Butcher2 themes for me..). Since you get some wreck markers with Hark's tier force I made some custom ones as well:

From Casual Khador Slideshow

All in all, can't wait to play some more Harkevich. For the next two weeks though, it's back to the Swamp..

From Casual Khador Slideshow

An Introduction

IndistinctChattr Friday, November 28, 2014
Hello fellow komrades!

Welcome to my personal web space for the Privateer Press game, Warmachine/Hordes. I've been gaming, both collectible card game and tabletop/board games for a little over 15 years. A few years ago a buddy of mine invited me to learn this game. It took me another 2 years after that to finally take the step and dive into the table war gaming genre. I not only took a step, but apparently fell into the deep end of the pool. Unfortunately, I'm still very very bad at this game. But I play every Tuesday night to get my butt kicked and to learn a thing or two.

This blog will serve a few purposes:

  • Battle Reports: I'm going to start taking notes and pictures of my games. I need to document the mistakes I made and look for opportunities of improvement.
  • Painting Show Off: I'm not exactly the best painter. But I like to show off what I can do! I went into this hobby thinking the painting was going to be the worst part. Fortunately I found it to be the most pleasing aspect of the hobby. It's a great feeling to take something unpainted and to have it prepared for a game. I work in IT, so I don't get to take any of my accomplishments home. Being able to show off a product that I helped create (in this case, miniatures with paint on them) makes me happy.
  • Commentary: I'll provide some generic commentary on my experiences in this game. I am a casual player at heart and most of my views will be rooted in that.
That's about it! I thank you for taking the time to visit this blog and hope you find the content here amusing and/or interesting.
Copyright 2010 Casual Khador